Gay anime comics

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The story of a queer black girl at an all-white Christian summer camp could have been obvious or heavy-handed, but Gillman is interested in subtlety. Melanie Gillman’s webcomic As the Crow Flies should be available in print form somewhat soon, due to a successful Kickstarter campaign by indie publisher Iron Circus. With seven chapters online, now is the perfect time to treat your eyes to a story that’s as fun as it is beautiful. Louis handles these themes with a refreshing grace and artwork that glows. Conventions in magical girl stories include the heroes finding their inner strength while balancing life with incredible responsibility thrust upon them. She gives us a fun monster-of-the-week story with a nuanced look at friendships through a mostly queer cast. The webcomic is the result of creator Mildred Louis getting tired of waiting for Sailor Moon Crystal, the 2014 Sailor Moon reboot, and not seeing herself reflected in stories about magical girls. Agents of the Realm is a webcomic about Norah Tanner, one of five college students chosen to protect the world and its hidden sister dimension from a mysterious evil. You have to worry about hard-nosed professors, juggling work and a social life and somehow find time to save the world-if you’re an Agent, that is.

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Freshman year in college is one of the toughest parts of young adult life.

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